Selecting Good Passwords
Tue, 4 Jun 1996 08:34:59 -0400

Brett wrote:
> nifty 'dictfile' like I did a few years back. All it takes is some simple
> brain power and a LOT of disk space, a quick file that prints all variations
> of 5-8 charater length combinations to a file. I stopped mine at 238megs and
> it was still going strong.

If your dictionary can be generated as such, then why store it to
disk?  Just generate/test passwords one by one.

But generally that's not why dictionary attacks work!  They work
because people often use common words for passords, unless the
software prevents them.  That's why some password programs require
users to choose numerics and punctuation characters; it prevents the
use of common words and makes guessing the password harder.  Of course
some people often use mnemonics such as:
        0: 0
        1: l
        3: e
        5: s
which almost totally defeats the purpose of requiring numbers in the
first place.

We use a password generator that produces pronounceable gibberish.

Actual system output:
> $ passwd
> UX:passwd: INFO: Changing password for mdr
> Old password:
> Automatic generation of password enabled.  Please wait.
> xe5_na     7qev6zum   9risnig6   quxaxe     hudefwog
> .qi8yu     9vem2ced   zawvengat  _wiwu+     towsuweh
> jishu63    6zinip_    cid01re    fuk6zo1    04gokzo
> 13zowa     -fejum5    jek5vox2   ziz.0ja    _2nebi
> ceh69vej   0lera7     jegnal98   xiv2jaw0   noyep+5
> Select new password from passwords provided:

relatively easy to remember and will not fall to dictionary attacks.

Of course sometimes the password generator resorts to profanity
(sheerly by combinitorics!) but, that only indicates its lack of
inteligence. :)

Of course, reusable passwords really aren't worth anything if they cross
the network in plain text.  In fact they're worth is actually
less than zero, because someone may actually be trusting the password to
protect something that it is no longer capable of protecting.

Mark Riggins
Secure Systems Engineering
AT&T Bell Labs

PS: my real passwd was _not_ chosen from the above list.